China Quality Control

Initial Production Inspection



Why you need initial production inspection?

The initial inspection of production refers to an all-round preliminary evaluation of raw materials, process of semi-finished products and the output of factories at the initial stage of mass production. It is usually through entrusting a third party inspection organization to carry out China quality control on the products at the early stage of production and before shipment.

Since product quality and delivery date are the two most important factors in international trade, the sooner product quality problems are discovered, the more secure the delivery date will be. Therefore, it is very important to use third-party inspection agencies to implement China quality control on these products. Importers usually also need laboratory tests to reflect the quality of their products. However, in the process of serving the world wide small and medium-sized importers, CLI company found the importer’s demand for laboratory tests is extremely diverse. Lab Partner explains the laboratory service team of CLI is a professional team that has been honed for a long time. Introduces how to quickly understand the customer’s needs and select suitable testing companies for customers through their own professional background.

In general, if the importer does not carry out the initial inspection of production, the importer will passively wait for the supplier to inform the production progress after placing an order. They cannot know the production progress and quality of goods at the first time. Due to various reasons, factories are usually unwilling to provide accurate information on the production schedule of products to customers and they always respond passively to the problems in the production schedule. However, if we entrust a third party inspection company to enter into the factory’s product manufacturing process at the early stage of production and conduct professional China quality control, this problem can be completely avoided. In addition, a fair and random sample picking can be completed at the factory site by entrusting an inspection company, so that importers can further understand the quality control of the products. Random Sample Picking can help you can fully understand more.

Suppliers usually contact their customers proactively only if they cannot meet the delivery deadline to inform them of the production progress and request to postpone the delivery deadline. If the importer’s final buyer has strict restrictions on the delivery date, it will be disastrous for the importer, it may take air transportation to catch up with the delivery date. But it is basically impossible for the factory to pay the cost of air transportation. Therefore, such problems can be avoided by entrusting a third party who performs the China quality control to carry out comprehensive quality risk control and output evaluation at the early stage of production. At the same time, you can ask the inspection company to prepare a professional Inspection Protocol, which allows importers to clarify where the risk control points of products are and also to prepare for subsequent inspection.

Therefore, in order to protect their core interests, it is an inevitable thing to entrust the third party to do China quality control to do China quality control, with carring out the quality inspection of the initial production of products.

“Should I choose a large inspection company  to carry out the Initial Production Inspection?”

Since the existing large inspection companies mainly serve large supermarket brands and large retailers, they mainly do product quality inspection and product laboratory tests. Therefore, the initial production inspection process does not be optimized according to the actual needs of customers and the characteristics of initial production inspection services. It is only a simple requirement that the inspectors do initial production inspection as pre shipment inspection on site. This cannot play the real role an initial production inspection service has, such as providing early quality warning and capacity assessment for production.

The core business of CQI company is China quality control, which focuses on product quality inspection, therefore, we understand the differences between pre shipment inspection and initial production inspection service very deeply. As for initial production inspection, we do not simply copy pre shipment inspection process, but optimize and establish the core inspection process of initial production inspection, with clear working objectives and high professional efficiency. So as to provide first-class China quality control service for customers.