Jiangsu Lighting Industry in China

Jiangsu lighting industry

Why Lighting Depends On Jiangsu Lighting Industry?

Jiangsu lighting industry output value production and technical level are in the domestic leading level, is an important lighting industry production base in China.

History of Jiangsu LightiHistory Of Jiangsu Lighting Industryng Industry

Jiangsu lighting industry in China began in 1947 with the establishment of Nanjing Electric Lighting Factory (predecessor of East China Electronics Tube Factory). After liberation, the province completed the layout of the lighting industry, successively established the Nanjing Electric Lighting Factory and 13 light bulb production plants, the establishment of Jingjiang lamp head factory and other 8 raw materials and supporting devices professional production plants. 1978, the output of light bulbs more than 66.82 million, tungsten and molybdenum wire over 100 million meters, tungsten and molybdenum rod 817 million tons, the total output value reached 128 million yuan. 80s onwards, lighting enterprises soared to more than 200. In 1987, the number of light bulb manufacturing enterprises in the province exceeded 400, light bulb production 168 million, the total industrial output value reached 0.7 billion U.S. dollars, are the first in the same industry in the country. The raw materials and devices used to support the capacity of China’s first in the same industry.

Innovative Development Of Jiangsu Lighting Industry

Jiangsu lighting industry has good industrial development advantages and scientific and technological advantages.

In the industry, Jiangsu focus on cultivating lighting subdivision industry characteristics of regional cultivation and the formation of many well-known manufacturing and sales base throughout China.

In 1992, the world’s first spiral energy-saving lamp was born in Jianghu, which later developed into a gathering place with more than 100 energy-saving electric light source manufacturing enterprises. 2009, China Lighting Appliances Association awarded Jianghu County the honorary title of “China Energy-saving Electric Light Source Manufacturing Base”. Changzhou Zou District Lighting City has more than 1,500 market operators and more than 300 light source and lighting manufacturing enterprises, forming a pattern of “three cities and one center”, becoming the second in the country and the first in East China as a distribution center for lighting sales, and in 2007, Zou District Town was awarded the title of “China Lighting City” by the China Lighting Appliances Association. In 2007, Zou District Town was awarded the title of “China Lighting City” by the China Lighting Association. Gaoyou City is a street lamp pole manufacturing place, the formation of the lamp pole industry cluster, in 2008, by the China Lighting Association awarded the “China Street Lamp Manufacturing Base”. By the end of 2019, the total number of installed lights in Jiangsu Province was 10,248,700, with a total power of 996,800,000 kilowatts and an annual power consumption of 4,934 million kilowatts, with LED lights accounting for 71.37%. The length of installed roads is 53,400 km, the length of lines is 11,100 km, the total number of distribution boxes is 47,500, and the total number of remote control terminals is 38,200.

In the development of science and technology, China’s Jiangsu lighting industry focus on the innovative development of high-tech lighting industry, focusing on the development of science and technology combined with national needs. The third generation of semiconductor lighting technology developed by Nanjing University, lighting applications related to OLED, display, intelligent street lighting, automotive lighting, health lighting, plant lighting, landscape lighting and other segments of the market have technological breakthroughs and a large number of patented products. Jiangsu universities and research institutes as well as the technical advantages of talent are strong support for the development of Jiangsu lighting industry.

Future Development Trend Of Jiangsu Lighting Industry

In the lighting engineering and lighting application end, Jiangsu enterprises play the advantage of industrial base and technical talents. By participating in lighting projects for major political events in China and landscape lighting projects around the world, they are getting rapid development and will become a new growth point for the development of Jiangsu’s lighting industry in the future.

With 5G and IoT technology continues to mature, Gaoyou, Jiangsu is creating a set of investment, construction, operation, management in one of the small and medium-sized cities digital light network construction demonstration samples. Jiangsu will also focus on creating industrial agglomerations, building mature industrial ecosystems, and cultivating the formation of a digital light network micro-ecosystem, enabling symbiosis, mutuality and regeneration among industrial elements, and gradually amplifying them to eventually be able to maximize their economic and social value.

China is steadily promoting the policy of night tour economy and developing the market. Jiangsu lighting industry gradually focus on intelligent lighting and cultural tourism lighting, relying on the current development advantages of Jiangsu in lighting engineering and lighting design, Jiangsu lighting industry will become the main force in the development of China’s intelligent lighting, cultural tourism lighting and other fields.

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