Schematic diagram of degumming of sneakers

Sport Shoes Glue Srength Testings

Why do you need Sport shoes glue strength testing ?

When performing the inspections, inspectors will carry out a series of on-site tests to check the consistency, functionality of the products. Most tests are reliable, but some tests will affect the test results since some factors in different time periods. For example, the inspection of glued products, this article takes sport shops glue strength testing as an example, and introduces the reasons and solutions of the test items in detail:

What is Sport shoes glue strength testing?

1.On-site abuse test of glued products during inspection.

On-site testing of adhesive products is usually related to abuse testing. According to AQL table, QC determines the sampling quantity of products at a special level when sports shoes glue strength testing. When do the sport shoes glue strength testing, it uses force or even violence to pull the glued parts of products as much as possible and check the adhesion between glue and products. This is a product abuse test.

2.On-site general inspection of glued products

When arranging QC inspection, the product has just been manufactured, so glue is usually at the highest quality level. This means that as long as the factory process is qualified, the abuse test can be easily passed.

But, another situation is the quality of the glue will slowly decrease by over time. If the supplier uses low-quality glue or inappropriate glue, it will bring a bad experience in a short time (CQI faced one case, the Turkish guest has customized a hairband which requires a lot of glue to paste various accessories. There was no quality problem when goods was finished then the customer did not require the aging test of glue in Laboratory , but 90days after the guest received the goods, many the accessories would fall off without pulling);such as the gluing of shoes, if without the aging test of glue in laboratory, although the defects will not be immediately discovered when sports shops glue strength testing, they may have problems after one week or three months of use, sellers will face a lot of consumer complaints.

CQI was specifically assigned to inspect the viscose process of a shoe because there was a large amount of degumming after the shoe was exported to Singapore. Our Inspectors performed the pull test on-site for the whole quantity.

3.Professional laboratory tests

Therefore, in order to ensure that the adhesive products can last long enough, the first thing to perform a life test in the laboratory. For example,EN 12749 can be used for sports shoes glue strength testing, and the test humidity aging 70 ℃ / 100 % RH, which takes about 7 working days. Many Laboratories can carry out simulation tests as a reference for the service life of products.

CQI provides professional, cost effective Laboratory tests service makes the testing process more smooth, saves more costs for guests and reduces quality risks.

Schematic diagram of degumming of sneakers

During the inspection for last Turkish case, client and factories do not conduct the glue test in the LAB, the CQI requested the factory to provide a microwave oven or an oven, and select the appropriate temperature to bake the products in the oven for several hours. The reason for this is considering the limited inspection time. During this time, we tried to stand in the user’s perspective and simulate whether the glue of the product can maintain its adhesive after being used in the limit state.

We know that many products will use glue, in this way, if there is no sport shoes glue strength testingor on-site inspection for products similar to sports shoes, the glue quality of the products will not be known, so when the bulks arrive at the destination, they may face glue quality problems. In addition to shoes, there are the following types of products which need pay attention to the glue quality:

  1. Silicone-shaped USB: This type of USB uses glue to paste the memory card onto a silicone holder for easy use. If the glue falls off, only one bare memory card remains.
  2. Label Sticker: Some products have poor label quality, which will cause them to fall off automatically after a period of time.

Even though the types of glues and products are diversified, the CQI has a professional knowledge system and can provide a professional  quality protocol.

The role of glue is so important that the quality of glue must not be overlooked when importing products with glued parts or completely glued parts.

CQI5 is committed to providing importers worldwide with product quality inspection services that far exceed those of our peers. If you are planning to import or have imported from China or Southeast Asian countries, please contact us cs’@’ to learn more about how we can make your imports safer.

This article is an original article for CQI Inspection, who is committed to providing high-quality product inspection technology and know-how sharing for global importers and retailers to make imports safer.

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