Sample Follow Up Service

Sample Follow Up Service,No More International Courier

How CQI’s SFS service protects the rights of the importer’s samples.

SFS ( sample Follow up service) that CQI offers is a third-party inspection service company, not involved in transactions between importers and suppliers, and is an independent third party, so there is no need to compromise the interests of importers and suppliers by, for example, leaking sample design ideas to unrelated third parties.
CQI’s long-standing philosophy of independent third-party operations, strict and careful work processes, and thoroughness in all aspects of its daily work can prevent such problems from occurring.

Does the SFS service extend the current sample handling process for importers?

The SFS ( sample Follow up service) service centralizes the processing of samples from Chinese suppliers of the importer’s customers, performs the necessary visual inspection of the received samples, eliminates the unqualified samples, and notifies the importer of the unqualified samples, and centralizes the packing of the samples, standardizes the marking of the samples, and takes pictures of the samples. After the above standard sample management process is completed, the samples can be sent to importers by cross-border express.

The benefits of a standardized sample follow-up process are obvious to the importer:

  • SFS service can minimize the problem of lost parcels by cross-border express mail,
    eliminate the mailing of unqualified samples, and save courier fees by centralized packing and mailing.
  • Later, it is convenient for importers to receive the courier, identification and sorting work, overall, will only make the flow of samples and identification more standardized and efficient.
  • Moreover, the sample inspection facilitates the importer to understand the quality of the sample and communicate with the factory about the modification of the sample in time.
SFS service fees Although not much, but still increased costs.

SFS ( sample Follow up service) service fee is low, but the service content is, the importer must do daily trivial things. With CQI’s localized SFS services, you can manage the sample development process more efficiently. Focus on more valuable tasks, such as business development, new supplier development, and market research. Make your job easier, but more productive.

What is the difference between sending samples from the factory to the importer and sending samples through CQI’s SFS service?

If the factory sends the samples directly to the importer, it seems to be faster, but the negative effects are obvious.
This is because the factory personnel are limited by their position and experience in the industry (not a quality inspection industry practitioner),
For example, for a plastic product with an injection port with unclean residue, the factory business will usually consider it to be normal, while CQI’s SFS service staff will consider it to be defective.
If the importer does not notice this, and confirms that the sample with an injection port with unclean residue is a qualified sample, the factory can produce a large batch of goods accordingly,
So the factory will end up producing large goods with injection port with unclean residue , and it is a batch problem. If the importer objects to this, the factory sales staff will use the sample as a reason to avoid and shirk responsibility.

However, through CQI’s SFS service, there is a sample appearance inspection process, so there is no such thing.
Also, through CQI’s third-party quality inspection background, to inform the importer of the quality of the sample problems.
In international trade, it is an international practice for buyers and sellers to confirm samples as proof of production and trade. However, due to the limitations of the importer’s understanding of the manufacturing and quality of the product, the importer ends up with a lower quality product.

The sample appearance inspection of SFS service is a bit simple, can it be done more professionally?

Due to the low charge of SFS service, the appearance inspection of samples must be efficient, which can support the balance of revenue and expenditure of the service and make the service continue. This service is applicable to the sample inspection requirements of 90% of importers’ customers.
For the other 10% importers, if they have higher requirements for the quality inspection of samples, please refer to the enhanced version of CQI’s SFS service. A rigorous Sample Quality Inspection will be conducted for the samples, and a detailed sample quality inspection report will be issued. However, there is an additional charge of $30.

Who are the clients of SFS service?

In order to facilitate small and medium-sized importers worldwide to import products from China in a safer and more convenient way,
SFS (Sample Follow-Up Service) is available for importers to make their supply chain development and management in China more efficient, allowing them to focus their human resources on more productive work.
If an importer has not yet set up an office in China, or is planning to do so, with the goal of enhancing the management of its China supply chain, CQI recommends leveraging SFS services to achieve the same level of performance without the high cost of labor and office expenses. Moreover, the SFS technicians are professionals who were born out of CQI’s product quality inspection services. They are not the same as a typical office clerk.

If an importer encounters difficulties in the development of samples, can he/she turn to SFS technicians?

In line with the business philosophy of long-term cooperation and mutual benefit.
CQI is open to all kinds of inquiries from importers, and SFS staff will provide the necessary advice and direction for further work on the importer’s sample development issues. However, the needs of different importers are varied, so we will not go into details here.

Does CQI have a custom sample development service?

If the importer’s sample development requirements are very high, CQI also offers an advanced sample follow-up service, also known as Sample Compliance Service, which is described in Sample Compliance Service.

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