Apparel Supply Chain

Apparel supply chain collaboration process and functional analysis

In the background of the trend of comprehensive and deep penetration of information technology in various industries, the business systems of traditional industries are facing various efficiency challenges, and the supply chain collaboration system of the apparel industry is born with this trend. This article analyzes and summarizes the process and functions of apparel supply chain collaboration, and recommends friends who want to understand the process of apparel supply chain collaboration to read it.

The main functional modules of the apparel supply Read the rest

China Ningbo Stationery

China Ningbo Stationery Why Is Called The Capital Of Stationery

As one of the important traditional advantageous industries in Ningbo, China Ningbo stationery industry has always played an important role in the rapid development of Ningbo’s economy. Data show that, as of the end of last year, Ningbo stationery manufacturing enterprises (on the scale) has reached 478, to complete the total industrial output value of 11.6 billion U.S. dollars. Among them, the output value of new products 3.9 billion U.S. dollars.

In May, the stationery industry is China Ningbo … Read the rest

Global Supply Chain Crisis

The Worst Of The Global Supply Chain Crisis Being Behind Us

The data suggests that the global supply chain distress is easing, or at least has stopped deteriorating.

Average ocean freight rates for 40-foot containers worldwide have fallen for eight consecutive weeks, according to data released Thursday by US maritime consulting and research firm Drewry. Spot rates on the busy Shanghai-Los Angeles route have rebounded but are also down about 19 % from their September peak.

Global supply chain crisis

According to the Southern California Maritime Exchange, 71 container ships were anchored offshore on … Read the rest

Leather Shoes Industry

Analysis of leather shoes industry Ronald

In the movie “Kingsman: The Secret Service”, Harry picks out leather shoes for Eggsy, and he says something like, “Oxford not Brogue.” Probably all English gentlemen must have a decent pair of leather shoes, just as every girl, at one time or another, secretly tried on the small black pair of high heels that her mother kept in the shoe closet.

Leather shoes industry

Leather shoes industry introduction

Leather shoes are shoes made of natural leather as the upper, leather or rubber, plastic, PU foam, PVC, etc. … Read the rest

China Stationery Industry

China Stationery Industry,Seize the Opportunity to Occupy the Market

A. The current situation of China’s stationery industry

1. Market capacity and structure

China stationery industry (excluding office equipment and furniture) market capacity of about 150 billion yuan, or about $ 21.5 billion, the total global stationery market of about $ 250 billion, the Chinese stationery market accounted for 8.6% of the total domestic and foreign stationery market.

China’s stationery market, office supplies accounted for 41%, about $ 9.5 billion, document processing supplies accounted for 13%, about $ 3 billion, writing … Read the rest