Electric Toothbrush Cost

Why Are the Price Ranges of Electric Tooth Brushes So Different?

There are articles focusing on waterproof inspection of electric toothbrushes.Here, this article simply disassemble the structure of electric toothbrush and reveals the electric toothbrush cost. Is there any difference between electric toothbrushes with different prices?

First of all, the OEM electric toothbrush varies from region to region. Jiangsu and

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Electric Toothbrush Waterproof Inspection

Electric Toothbrush Waterproof Inspection Checklist

As we all know, electric toothbrushes must have certain waterproof ability, and waterproof ability is also an important indicator to determine their service life. According to the national standards, the electric toothbrush waterproof inspection can be divided into different grades. Generally, the waterproof performance of electric toothbrushes should meet the requirements of IP66, IP67 or even higher. Generally speaking, the higher of waterproof level, the higher of electric toothbrush cost.

Generally speaking, the grade of electric toothbrush waterproof inspection is IPX7, which is the

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Electronic Scale Quality Inspection

A Series Of Tests On Electronic Scale Quality Inspection

The electronic scale is a tool for determining the mass of an object by using the force principle of lever balance or Hooke’s law, which is mainly made up by three parts: a load-bearing system (such as a weighing pan, a scale body), a force transmission conversion system (such as a lever force transmission system, a sensor),and an indication system ( Such as the dial, electronic display instrument).In the electronic scale quality inspection,according to the composition of these three parts, the

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Electric Toothbrush Inspection

Electric Toothbrush Test, Need To Pay Attention To These

As people’s awareness of oral health care continues to increase, a new type of toothbrush, the electric toothbrush, has quietly entered people’s daily lives. Compared with traditional toothbrushes, electric toothbrushes do have many advantages. Its reasonable exercise program can correct some people’s incorrect brushing methods, and some use high-tech designed functions such as sonic vibration function to clean the mouth more effectively.

Lack of electric toothbrush inspection standards

Because the product is relatively new and has been relatively minority in the

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Children Furniture Quality Control

Children Furniture Quality Control, Care For Children's Growth

At the e-commerce shopping festival in China, sales of household products have hit record highs. Among them, children’s furniture is favored by many consumers because of its diverse styles, low price and convenient delivery service. However, is it safe and healthy for children’s furniture sold by e-commerce? Does children furniture quality control pass? Not long ago, the test data released by the Consumers Association showed that the cribs, children’s study desks and chairs sold on many well-known e-commerce platforms did not meet

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