US Supply Chain Problems

Are The US Supply Chain Problems Influenced by China?

The US supply chain problems seen in the U.S. economy are improving for some companies, but a long-term solution may take more time, according to the Wall Street Journal, the heads of Intel, Wayfair and other companies.

Niraj Shah, CEO and co-founder of online retailer Wayfair, said, “The problems were at their worst last summer, but are slowly recovering.”

Intel has been at the center of a global storm of semiconductor shortages, and the company’s CEO Patrick Gelsinger expects supply chain … Read the rest

Jiangsu lighting industry

Why Lighting Depends On Jiangsu Lighting Industry?

Jiangsu lighting industry output value production and technical level are in the domestic leading level, is an important lighting industry production base in China.

History of Jiangsu LightiHistory Of Jiangsu Lighting Industryng Industry

Jiangsu lighting industry in China began in 1947 with the establishment of Nanjing Electric Lighting Factory (predecessor of East China Electronics Tube Factory). After liberation, the province completed the layout of the lighting industry, successively established the Nanjing Electric Lighting Factory and 13 light bulb production plants, the … Read the rest

Air steriliser evaluation


Air Disinfection Evaluation, The Most Comprehensive Evaluation!

At a time when haze was in full swing, air purifiers were gaining a lot of popularity among consumers. This is because haze is a pollution visible to the naked eye, so people attach great importance to it. In fact, apart from haze, there are many health killers hidden in our daily home environment that we can’t see, the most likely to make us sick is bacteria.


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COVID-19 Outbreak

Covid-19 Outbreak, Unprecedented Supply Chain Crisis!

“Winter ”has arrived, the words could not be more appropriate to describe Christmas 2021 in Europe and the United States as COVID-19 outbreak causes supply chain crisis to spread. WHO recently warned Europe that although vaccines are more plentiful than last year, Europe has become the only region in the world where confirmed cases of COVID-19 are still surging at the moment.

According to WHO, vaccination rates are low in Eastern Europe, with Russia, Ukraine and Romania being the three countries with the most serious outbreaks; … Read the rest

After The COVID-19

Impact On The Industry Chain And Supply Chain After The Covid-19

The impact of the COVID-19 on the industry chain and supply chain is huge. The IT revolution and globalization have created a comprehensive logistics revolution and global supply chain management, resulting in a new division of labor, called international division of labor and intra-product division of labor. In the era of globalization, the global industrial chain and supply chain can achieve zero inventory and timely delivery. Imagine that in such an era, has anyone thought about the COVID-19 virus … Read the rest