Car mat set

Car Floor Mats Quality Control

Car Floor Mats Quality Control,No Safe Material

For the vast majority of car owners, the interior is as important as the car. Generally, they purchase all kinds of car accessories. However, European and American countries have a long history of car culture, and the DIY market share of cars is very large. One of the interior decorations is the foot pad. Therefore, when purchasing foot pads, have you considered whether such simple products will have potential safety hazards? You should know that driving a car is often in a confined space, when in summer after sun exposure, the smell inside the car will become more and more choking. At this moment, the driver will consider whether there is something wrong with the foot pad.

In order for car floor mats quality control, it is necessary to understand the material hazards of floor MATS. Generally speaking, the “poison” of foot pads mainly comes from benzenes, aldehydes and ammonia compounds.

Car Floor Mats Quality Control,No Benzene Substances

Car mat set

Benzene is harmful to human hematopoietic function and nervous system. Long – term contact may cause bone marrow and genetic damage, leading to aplastic anemia and even leukemia! Most of the foot pads sold on the market, if they are made of imitation leather or fabric materials, usually adopt common glue bonding process. That is, glue is used to bond multiple layers of materials together, and glue contains a large number of benzene substances. However, the ” flame compounding” process is adopted for the mat with better quality, i.e. the middle layer material is heated and softened by a large machine, and then is quickly rolled together with the surface layer and the bottom layer material. This compound method does not use any glue and is more firm and durable! Although the upfront production cost is more expensive, only in this way can we create a safe foot pad that does not harm health!

Car Floor Mats Quality Control,No Aldehyde And Ammonia

Aldehydes and ammonia-containing compounds have stimulating and sensitizing effects, especially for pregnant women and infants! Long-term inhalation directly harms human health and even causes cancer! And small foot pad may actually be related to these terrible things!

1).The foot pad material itself contains formaldehyde

In order to reduce costs, many floor mat manufacturers will purchase cheap materials to produce rubber mats. Under the banner of “renewable environmentally friendly materials”, the waste plastics are recycled from the furnace. Can such a toxic foot pad foreign trade buyer find out? During car floor mats quality control,manufacturers are generally required to provide product test reports. But the important thing is Avoid fake testing samples.

2) Some foot pads on the market are foamed with EVA/EPDM plastic materials and ammonia compound blowing agent. EVA is usually used on the sole to stimulate the eyes and skin. The ammonia-containing compound is easily volatilized and emits an unpleasant odor. A common practice for conscience mat manufacturers is to use high-quality fabrics on the surface that are free of formaldehyde. The middle layer is foamed with PE plastic and AZO compound foaming agent. The nitrogen produced after foaming is non-toxic and tasteless and will not cause pollution to the interior environment of the vehicle.

The positioning of Chinese products in the world belongs to the low price, but it does not mean that the pursuit of quality should be relaxed. Car floor mats quality control  is essential and the material test is also very important. According to the industry standard of China’s auto parts products, the foot mat primer is required to mainly inspect 4 heavy metals and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons ( PAHS )

Car floor mats quality control

However, the fabric of foot pad needs to be tested for formaldehyde, color fastness to abrasion, combustion characteristics and AZO.

Car floor mats quality control

Therefore, when foreign buyers conduct Car floor mats quality control, they will request Chinese manufacturers to provide the above product inspection reports. Of course, it can also be selected according to market demand, for example, most European buyers require CE certification of their products. If it is for a large brand, ROHS, SVHC, PAHS and other tests may need to be added. If you are purchasing such products, please contact us and we will provide you with high-quality third-party  laboratory partner.

CQI5 is committed to providing importers worldwide with product quality inspection services that far exceed those of our peers. If you are planning to import or have imported from China or Southeast Asian countries, please contact us cs’@’ to learn more about how we can make your imports safer.

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