Clothing defects inspection

Clothing Defects Inspection

Clothing Defects Inspection,Case Study

CQI cooperates with all kinds of customers, many of whom are engaged in clothing trade, and has rich experience in clothing defects inspection. At the same time, CQI strives to study clothing QA and integrate clothing inspection points.

The QA process of clothing includes: design, production preparation, cutting process, sewing process, ironing process, finished product quality control, post – treatment, etc.  Through the study and inspection of products at different stages of production, we know that unqualified operations in various links may cause defects in finished products.   The third-party organization’s  clothing defects inspection can provide different inspections for different stages of production.

Clothing defects inspection

The Causes Of Defects During The Clothing Defects Inspection Are:

Based on the analysis of many real cases of  clothing defects inspection, the reason for the batch defects is the shortage of cutting and sewing technology, which accounts for the majority of the appearance defects, and such defects are common and most easily overlooked.  However, the appearance defects will directly affect the normal sales of the products, so the customer’s inspection requirements include not only dimensions but also strict appearance quality inspection standards, which are roughly as follows:

  1. Check whether the routing is horizontal and vertical, and whether there are thread ends, jumping needles and missing needles on the product;
  2. Whether there is dirt and oil stains on the surface that are difficult to clean;
  3. Pay attention to whether the special process of the product meets the requirements, such as lace and pleating, etc;
  4. Whether there is color difference in the fabric or not, and color overflow or mixing is not allowed ( even dry and wet rubbing are not allowed to fade );
  5. Whether the size and weight are consistent with the guest’s requirements;
Clothing defects inspection
Clothing defects inspection
Clothing defects inspection

Summary On Clothing Defects Inspection

In the above clothing defects inspection, attention should be paid to whether the appearance defects of products affect the use and sales of goods, whether consumers can simply repair themselves, and whether it is a batch problem or a single problem. CQI inspection will objectively describe the problem, provide data and timely inform the customer of the overall quality of the product through a rigorous reporting form. Avoid superficial inspection, fulfill the mission of CQI inspection.  

CQI5 is committed to providing importers worldwide with product quality inspection services that far exceed those of our peers. If you are planning to import or have imported from China or Southeast Asian countries, please contact us cs’@’ to learn more about how we can make your imports safer.

This article is an original article for CQI Inspection, who is committed to providing high-quality product inspection technology and know-how sharing for global importers and retailers to make imports safer.

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