Development of fitness equipment

Development of Fitness Equipment

This is How Fitness Equipment Developed

After the epidemic,people were forced to work at home.Most people have an epiphany and realize that the body is the capital of revolution.Then the e-commerce vendor of fitness equipment will be very busy.They are busy contacting factories, third-party inspection companies, freight forwarding companies and express delivery companies from morning till night, thinking of delivering various types of fitness equipment to customers as soon as possible.But today’s fitness equipment industry chain is not achieved overnight.

As far as China is concerned,fitness equipment is mainly concentrated in three provinces: Zhejiang,Xiamen,Fujian and Dongguan,Guangdong.Xiamen,where our company is located,is the industrial chain of high-end fitness equipment. Relying on the superiority of geographical location,Xiamen Inspection Company always takes the inspection of fitness equipment as the training of special products. At the same time,we can integrate the history of development of fitness equipment into the inspection work,which is our ultimate goal!

barbell made by Shandong Fitness Products Factory in China
Dumbbell pieces produced by Shandong Fitness Products Factory in China

Development Of Fitness Equipment-Dumbbells

Looking back at the whole development of fitness equipment,we can also pick up very interesting stories.This not only reflects the influence of scientific and technological progress on human life style,but also promotes the birth of a brand-new cultural concept and commercial industry.

For example,dumbbells are the favorite of the 30-year-old single man.

The ancient Greeks,who founded the ancient Olympic Games,made outstanding contributions in this respect.Back then,because of the limited condition at that time,groups of athletes who couldn’t train with professional equipment,but they already knew how to use heavy objects for strength training in order to improve their performance.These weights are the most primitive power instruments.

Development of fitness equipment

According to research,as early as the 5th century BC,the ancient Greeks used a device similar to today’s dumbbells for strength training to improve muscle strength.In addition to the familiar Discobolus,in some existing illustrations in ancient Greece,we can also see men with vigorous muscles, fixing heavy objects such as stone or metal blocks at both ends of the stick and doing muscle training.

Development of fitness equipment

But as for who invented the modern barbell,there are different opinions.One of the theories is that in the mid-19th century,the ball barbell first appeared in a big French club.Before this thing appeared, members used wooden sticks for fitness.One day,club owner Hippolyte Triat couldn’t bear it any more and inserted two balls at both ends of a wooden stick.Therefore,the training intensity immediately came up. Everyone cheered in chorus.

The modern barbell was born like this.

Development of fitness equipment

This spherical barbell was popular until the middle of the 20th century and was gradually replaced by modern Olympic standards.However,today in some professional Hercules competitions,you can see the following barbells.

Development of fitness equipment

Development Of Fitness Equipment-Training Devices

It was from the end of 19th century to the beginning of 20th century,when modern fitness was sprouted, that people invented many strange devices to assist in training.

Development of fitness equipment

There is no Nike,Adidas,WiFi and TV.Of course there is no mobile phone charging port.These original ecological fitness equipment full of creativity presents a strong steampunk style.The sincere interpretation of the models who are sitting makes people cry.Because looking at it is always reminiscent of the instruments of torture used to extort confessions.

Development of fitness equipment

This “fat-reducing belt”-mechanical gear drives the belt to vibrate rhythmically at the waist with sine wave, trying to save people from the nightmare that they can’t put on their trousers.

Shake it, shake it, shake it baby shake it.

Development of fitness equipment
Development of fitness equipment

Look at these two “stormy passion treadmills”-wooden original running belts with high heels and hard sandals.It is difficult for you to explain why they have the courage to stand up in words except passion.

Professional air cushion cushioning,elastic shock absorption platform,real-time heart rate monitoring, custom training program.These all belong to 100 years later.

Development of fitness equipment

In those days when carriages were still popular,this was their “spinning”.

Development of fitness equipment

Later there was a real “spinning”-on the huge clock plate,the pointer slowly turned to tell the rider the work that had been burned.Looking at everyone’s happy expression,high heels are no longer a burden.

The invention and technological development of modern fitness equipment always pursue three rules: satisfying utility,improving efficiency and creating fun.The gradual finalization and perfection of the equipment itself also promotes the maturity and industrialization of fitness in the commercial field.The commercialization of fitness,in turn,has promoted the rapid development of the whole field,from upstream professional theoretical research to various sub-sectors downstream.

When people discuss “fitness”, they no longer equate it with “Arnold Schwarzenegger”style hard training,but hope to have a new model to meet the “less professional needs”.When there is demand,opportunities will naturally arise.

In 1970s,American Arthor Jones founded the equipment brand“Nautilus”.At that time,it was one of the brands that began to think carefully about the combination of ergonomics and fitness,developed simple and easy-to-use fitness equipment that met the training needs of “ordinary people”.

Development of fitness equipment

Blue Monster is one of Jones’ comprehensive trainers,which provides four training subjects.We can see that it has gradually approached the equipment we see in most gymnasiums today.

Development of fitness equipment

Interestingly,this kind of equipment developed for the needs of ordinary people is also welcomed by professional athletes.

In 1977,the movie Raw Iron,starring Arnold,showed the gym and many fixed equipment,most of which came from Nautilus.

Development of fitness equipment
Development of fitness equipment

Thank goodness.

Finally back to 2020.

We begin to enjoy many experiences brought by modern civilization.

Development of fitness equipment
Development of fitness equipment

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