The romote of electric blanket broke after the second use.

Electric Blanket Bad Reviews

The function of electric blanket bad reviews for consumers

Electric blankets sell well in Europe, and there will be many bad reviews of electric blankets. Knowing in advance the problems that such products are prone to can help suppliers avoid complaints.

With the limited supply of natural gas and soaring prices, in order to survive the winter, more and more Europeans are looking for inexpensive heating equipment with low energy consumption. Exports of heating “artifacts” such as electric heaters and electric blankets from China have exploded this year, among which electric blankets lead other categories with the growth rate of ninety-seven percent.

For foreign customers or consumers who are new to this kind of products, it is also very important to know about the sales of this kind of products in China in advance before purchasing. Here are the bad reviews of consumer electric blankets collected from the Internet, hoping to help you close the pit in advance, buy satisfactory products and have a warm winter.

Electric blanket bad reviews mainly include safety,function,appearance and size

We have collected some bad reviews of pure text and pictures from the Internet, as follows:

1. Used it less than ten times. Suddenly boom exploded, but it didn’t catch fire.

2. The goods actually received are not in conformity with the description, and the actual materials are asbestos-like.

The bought size is 150*120, and the actual delivery is 150*70,

3. The smell is very big, pungent, and the coils are separated.

4. It’s not good at all, my new sheets are stained by the color loss.

5. The quality of temperature control is extremely poor, and all the printed words are lacquered, so they are not heated after several times of use.

6. Drive for a long time, only the two sides are hot, and there is no temperature in the middle all the time.

7. The first night I used it, many things happened. I woke up three times a night, and every time I was awakened by electricity.

The chip in the remote of electric blanket was burned easily.
The chip in the remote of electric blanket was burned easily.
The chip in the remote of electric blanket was leaked and burned easily.
The chip in the remote of electric blanket was leaked and burned easily.
The electric blanket wasn’t warm after opening for one hour.
The electric blanket wasn’t warm after opening for one hour.
The electric blanket pilled after use for one day
The electric blanket pilled after use for one day
The romote of electric blanket broke after the second use.
The romote of electric blanket broke after the second use.

Summary of CQI for Electric Blanket Bad Reviews

These are the main problems that consumers complain about this kind of products. After reading these bad reviews of electric blankets, I believe you have a preliminary understanding of the problems that are easy to occur in the technological process of this kind of products. If you want to know more about electric blankets, please click on the electric blanket inspection standard (inner chain) for details.

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