Electric toothbrush waterproof inspection,Motor part in the water

Electric Toothbrush Waterproof Inspection

Electric Toothbrush Waterproof Inspection Checklist

As we all know, electric toothbrushes must have certain waterproof ability, and waterproof ability is also an important indicator to determine their service life. According to the national standards, the electric toothbrush waterproof inspection can be divided into different grades. Generally, the waterproof performance of electric toothbrushes should meet the requirements of IP66, IP67 or even higher. Generally speaking, the higher of waterproof level, the higher of electric toothbrush cost.

Generally speaking, the grade of electric toothbrush waterproof inspection is IPX7, which is the waterproof grade of 7. Immersion for half an hour in a place with a water depth of one meter does not affect the use, which is qualified.

So how does the manufacturer carry out the electric toothbrush waterproof inspection?

Electric toothbrush waterproof inspection,Motor part in the water

In general, it is necessary to prepare a waterproof detector. Electric toothbrushes are generally sealed integrally in order to improve waterproof performance.  

Electric Toothbrush Waterproof Inspection Method

  1. It is necessary to make a set of sealing mold according to the appearance characteristics of the product to fix and seal the electric toothbrush.
  2. The electric toothbrush is fixed and sealed to form the detection end mentioned above.

  3. Set the corresponding parameters, such as inflation time, inflation pressure, test time, test pressure and other parameters.

  4. Put the electric toothbrush in a closed tool, start the waterproof detector for testing, find out the maximum allowable leakage value of the electric toothbrush (within the allowed range).

  5. If there are no other problems, can carry out batch electric toothbrush waterproof air tightness test.

Electric toothbrush waterproof inspection

How Electric Toothbrush Waterproof Inspection in Special Cases

When the factory is unable to provide a tester on site, how does the inspector conduct the electric toothbrush waterproof inspection on the sampled products?

  • Firstly, the whole electric toothbrush is immersed in water, including the parts connecting internal components such as speakers. Soak the electric toothbrush in a 1 m bucket for 30 minutes to see the effect of the product. Due to the limited test conditions on site without 1 meter height bucket, try to take it out after prolonged soaking time such as 3 hours. The electric toothbrush still works normally.
  • Cleaning the toothbrush after brushing teeth is usually rinsing, so rinse the whole toothbrush with water flow, and still performing normally after the water is drained.
Electric toothbrush waterproof inspection,Cleaning the toothbrush after brushing teeth is usually rinsing
  • Start the machine in water for use. After the toothbrush is turned on in water, the speaker at the bottom of the toothbrush will get some water due to vibration, and the sound will be somewhat stuffy. However, once the toothbrush is taken out of the water, it will return to normal after a slight swing. After being soaked and turned on for more than ten times in such a reciprocating way, the speaker can normally sound after being swung.
Electric toothbrush waterproof inspection,Start the machine in water for use.
  • Vibration test in the water, it can be seen that the toothbrush vibrates with obvious spray. The spray is of different sizes in different gears. Each gear in the water can normally vibrate for more than 5 minutes.
Electric toothbrush waterproof inspection,Vibration test in the water

The above methods can effectively detect the waterproof performance of the product, but there are also many limitations, such as: unable to quantify the leakage value, subjective judgment, the need for secondary cleaning of the product, damage of unqualified parts, low efficiency, inability to determine the waterproof grade, etc. However, this on-site simulation method is still feasible as a spot check of waterproof performance.

Because electric toothbrushes often come into contact with water, if waterproof is not done well, leakage of electricity or damage will easily occur after water enters (leakage of water may cause short circuit and damage to the internal circuit board of the toothbrush). Therefore,the electric toothbrush waterproof inspection is a very important inspection step for electric toothbrush. In addition to this item, other inspection requirements for electric toothbrushes refer to the electric toothbrush inspection process.

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