Electronic scale quality inspection

Electronic Scale Quality Inspection

A Series Of Tests On Electronic Scale Quality Inspection

The electronic scale is a tool for determining the mass of an object by using the force principle of lever balance or Hooke’s law, which is mainly made up by three parts: a load-bearing system (such as a weighing pan, a scale body), a force transmission conversion system (such as a lever force transmission system, a sensor),and an indication system ( Such as the dial, electronic display instrument).In the electronic scale quality inspection,according to the composition of these three parts, the test of the products is carried out one by one to ensure that the function of the product is normal and meet the commercial needs of the importer.

Electronic scale quality inspection

Electronic Scale Quality Inspection Test Items 

1.Visual inspection

Visual inspection of parts defects,if it is necessary,it can be tested by the instrument for inspection; accuracy level,maximum weighing,minimum weighing, verification indexing; nameplate instructions,various signs.

2.Zero check

In the no-load state, the electronic scale is set to zero, the test weight is placed on the carrier,turn off and turn on the power, repeat the operation for several times until the placed weight cannot be returned to zero after the operation.

3.Weighing performance

Load the weight from zero to the maximum scale and decrease to zero in the same way. Five weighing quantities are selected at the same time, including the maximum weighing, the minimum weighing, and the amount of maximum allowable error change.

4.Tare performance

The weighing test is carried out for at least two different tare weights. If the scale is equipped with a tare device, a test close to the maximum tare weight should be made. The test also selects at least weights.

5.Offset test

The weights are placed in different positions on the carrier in turn, and the deviation of the data is checked and accurately recorded in the form provided by electronic scale quality inspection.

6.Repeatability test

Two sets of tests are performed at approximately one-half of the maximum and close to the maximum. If the scale has automatic zero and zero tracking devices, the test can be run.

7.Zero return test

Add the maximum weight to the scale and measure the difference between the zero values before and after loading for 30 minutes.

Summary on Electronic Scale Quality Inspection

Laboratory test items:discriminating force test,temperature test,anti-interference performance test,range stability test

These tests,which are critical in electronic scale quality inspection,help importers to ensure product quality,high material and performance requirements.So choosing a formal professional third-party inspection agency is the key,professional third-party inspection has abundant product knowledge and inspection experience, it is a piece of cake to do electronic scale inspection.

CQI5 is committed to providing importers worldwide with product quality inspection services that far exceed those of our peers. If you are planning to import or have imported from China or Southeast Asian countries, please contact us cs’@’cqipro.com to learn more about how we can make your imports safer.

This article is an original article for CQI Inspection, who is committed to providing high-quality product inspection technology and know-how sharing for global importers and retailers to make imports safer.

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