Expense Of An Office In China

Expense Of An Office In China, Which Is Not Necessary

Let’s assume that ABC import, a US importer, mainly imports consumer goods from China, and develops 100-200 new samples from China each year, with a limit of 200 samples.

Guangzhou inspection company

To improve supply chain efficiency, recruit an office staff with a quality background in a major Chinese city, e.g., Guangzhou (assuming only one employee named Linda),

  • Annual salary     at a salary of $15,000 – $20,000/year, with a lower limit of $15,000/year, for example.
  • Office rent cost     50sqm * 60rmb/sqm = 3000RMB/month, 36,000RMB/year or (exchange rate 6.3) 5700USD/year
  • Office utilities and other costs      800 RMB/month, 9600 RMB/year, or (exchange rate 6.3) 1500 USD/year
  • Cross border courier costs, not counted yet.

Total annual base cost to run China office:      $15000 + $5700 + $1500 = $22200

Usually a SCS technician of CQI can

  • follow up the sample development progress and sample modification progress of 4~8 factories in a day,
  • and finish the sample quality inspection (SQI) in 3 pcs of delivery packages from factories,
  • assuming that each package has 3 different samples, so the SCS technician can do SQI for 9 samples, 3 SQI reports and related videos in a day.

Assuming that ABC import’s Chinese staff, Linda,

  • who has the same level of expertise and efficiency as the SCS technicians,
  • ABC import needs 200 new samples per year in China.
  • If ABC Import’s U.S. headquarters staff is responsible for contacting the Chinese factory and reaching a purchase agreement with the factory,
  • the sample development phase will begin.
  • Then, China office clerk, Linda is responsible for following up the sample development in the Chinese factory,
  • mainly by communicating with the factory, following up the sample development progress, sample modification, sample quality assessment, sample unpacking and packing, and sample cross-country mailing.

Thus, the sample compliance cost of a single sample for ABC import = $22,200 / 200 = $111/each,

CQI’s SCS service is based on (factories’ express parcels) 

  • each factory’s express parcels (usually no more than 3 models), and
  • usually factories send 3 models/parcel of samples to CQI’s office for SCS service,
  • SCS service charge is $68USD/parcel/factory, usually the number of models in delivery parcel is less than 3 models.
  • So, for example, if ABC import develops 200 samples per year, it means that ABC Import’s Chinese factories need to send 200 / 3 = 67 parcels to CQI office.

SCS service charges:     (total) 67 parcels * $68/parcel = $4556 USD, which is calculated as $4500,

Comparison of sample development and follow-up costs for these two work modes,  

  • Total annual base cost to run China office:      $15000 + $5700 + $1500 = $22200
  • SCS service charges:     (total) 67 parcels * $68/parcel = $4556 USD, which is calculated as $4500,
  • Total amount of SCS charges / Total cost of ABC Import’s Guangzhou, China office = $4,500 / $22,200 = 20.2%, which is only one-fifth of the cost.

Moreover, CQI’s SCS service is derived from

  • the quality inspection industry background of a third party quality inspection company,
  • which has a strong background in the quality industry and
  • is well aware of the quality standards of major products made in China.
  • This is a level of expertise that Linda, a staff member at ABC import China’s Guangzhou office, cannot achieve.

If you think I’m wrong, please send me an email at cs@cqipro.com to ask a question.

Or, click below URL for more details,

How importers benefit from Sample Compliance Service ?



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