Fully automated production equipment

Fully automated equipment

Is It Worth Investing In Fully Automated Equipment?

A chairman whom CQI knows, insisted on putting in fully automated production equipment last year in spite of others’ obstruction at the meeting!

The total investment of the whole set of equipment is hundreds of millions of dollars. After a year of installation and commissioning, it is now finally ready for use.

Formerly,there were more than 200 workers in the factory.Now it has been reduced to about 20 workers, so far the effect is not bad. Fewer workers are easier to manage and save a lot of money.

However, the daily maintenance, repair, electricity and depreciation costs of fully automated production equipment have increased. Is this equipment really worth buying? The cost of this equipment exceeds the wages of these workers for more than ten years, but the equipment is estimated to be improved and upgraded in four or five years.Is the investment direction of the chairman right?

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