Glove Inspection

Glove Inspection Standards

Glove Inspection Standards, Don’t Buy These Gloves!



In order to clarify the inspection specifications and requirements of CQI Inspection Company for glove products, this product inspection requirement is specially written to standardize the company’s quality inspection service level for customers.


2.Scope of application

This inspection technical document is used to standardize the pre-shipment inspection service of glove products.


3.Defect definition for glove inspection

Serious defects (CRT): the user’s life is a major hazard or has the potential to harm and violate the relevant safety requirements of defects

Major defects (MAJ): affect the use of the product, reduce product reliability and service life or seriously affect the product image defects

Minor defects ((MIN): the product has a slight appearance defects and does not affect the product function defects


4.The level of inspection

Sampling standards: MIL-STD-105E

Acceptance level (AQL): CR=O MA=1.5  MI=4.0


5.Common appearance and functional defects for glove inspection

1)The surface leather is too thin, hard, loose shell, wrinkled, and the same pair of gloves are not the same thickness, softness, and thickness.

2) The color of the leather surface of the same pair of gloves is not consistent. The heart of the hand, the back of the hand color left and right asymmetry, finger strips, triangle, rolling mouth leather color difference is serious.

3) uneven stitching, untidy, bottom line floating loose, jumping stitches, empty stitches, side line bending, derailment.

4) forked foot tiger mouth is not flat, wrinkled, hanging crotch, the finger is not round, thumbs are not the same, there is correction, pack back phenomenon, five fingers have loose mouth. Crack, off-line.

5) The same pair of gloves back tendons are asymmetrical, untidy, uneven bending, in and out of the same.

6) band, copper mouth device left and right asymmetric, not solid, different heights.

7)Rolling mouth joint with a dislocation, loose, rolling mouth uneven thickness, curved and shrunken, wide and narrow.

8)In too short or too narrow, fur in a short board, empty board, splicing seam is not flat, there is off-line feet phenomenon.

9) Elastic band, sub-buckle elastic suitable, metal fittings shall be bright without rust spots, coating does not fall off.

10) Canvas and other fabrics shall not have water stains, oil stains, etc. affecting the beauty of the existence of refuge.

11) The color of the lining and fabric color coordination, with the color of the line to follow (except in special cases).


6.Common Testing Items for glove Inspection

(1) check the style of the glove (model, item number), specifications, color, original and auxiliary materials are in line with the requirements.

(2) two hands respectively, the same pair of two gloves, check to see the color of leather, grain thickness, velvet head size is basically the same, and then overlap the palm of the glove, see the size of the glove, five fingers length is basically the same, and then see whether each glove stitching is straight, there is no leakage of stitches, dark holes and other disabilities affecting the quality of the most. Then turn the mouth of the tube to see if the lining meets the requirements. Finally, put your hand into the glove, feel whether there are any abnormalities, whether your fingers can reach the fingertip area.

(3) Check the following sewing

Hand back elastic band, sewing regularity, adjust the triangle cloth, elastic cloth, adjust the buckle

(4)General Function Inspection

(5)Carton Drop test

(6)Wear test

(7)Tensile test

(8)Rub test / color fastness test

(9)Wet test / color fastness test

(10)Color fastness test

(11)Leakage test

(12)3M test

(13)Abuse test

(14)Accessible sharp Point &

(15)Sharp edges check ( ifany,)

(16)Structure & Workmanship


The above is the specific content of the glove inspection standard, but with the continuous development of the product manufacturing industry and the adoption of new materials and new production processes, new types of quality problems and new product testing requirements will directly result. Therefore, it is necessary to update the glove inspection standard irregularly.

CQI5 is committed to providing importers worldwide with product quality inspection services that far exceed those of our peers. If you are planning to import or have imported from China or Southeast Asian countries, please contact us cs’@’ to learn more about how we can make your imports safer.

This article is an original article for CQI Inspection, who is committed to providing high-quality product inspection technology and know-how sharing for global importers and retailers to make imports safer.

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