Meltblown Fabric Quality Inspection

Meltblown Fabric Quality Inspection, Identify the Fabric Quality

Melt-blown cloth is a melt-blown nonwoven cloth formed by drafting the polymer melt trickle extruded from the die spinneret orifice with high-speed hot air flow, thereby forming superfine fibers and collecting the superfine fibers on a screen or roller, and bonding the superfine fibers by itself at the same time. The melt-blown

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Meltblown Cloth Quality Influencing Factors

Do You Know Those Meltblown Cloth Quality Influencing Factors?

Under the influence of the new crown pneumonia, the global supply of masks is in short supply, and meltblown cloth is also rising. What are the meltblown cloth quality influencing factors as the core material of the mask? Today, through the relevant process of meltblown cloth, the five major factors affecting the quality of meltblown cloth will be introduced in detail.

Meltblown Cloth Quality Influencing Factors

Meltblown Cloth Quality Influencing Factors as Below:

MFI of polymer raw materials

MFI is the melt flow index, or melt

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Umbrella Inspection

Umbrella Inspection,Seize the Needs of Consumers

When the rainy season comes, the market demand for umbrellas begins to increase gradually. The prices of umbrellas on the market are different and the quality is uneven. Many consumers buy a nice umbrella for the sake of appearance. As a result, the whole umbrella cloth turns over when there is a strong wind. Most of the umbrellas will break because of weak umbrella stand.

Therefore, when importers or consumers make a choice, they should not only consider the appearance, but also the use

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Clothing Defects Inspection

Clothing Defects Inspection,Case Study

CQI cooperates with all kinds of customers, many of whom are engaged in clothing trade, and has rich experience in clothing defects inspection. At the same time, CQI strives to study clothing QA and integrate clothing inspection points.

The QA process of clothing includes: design, production preparation, cutting process, sewing process, ironing process, finished product quality control, post – treatment, etc.  Through the study and inspection of products at different stages of production, we know that unqualified operations in various links may cause defects in finished

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Product Quality Check

Quality Quality Check Helps Factories Improve QA.

CQI Actual Case Analysis:

This furniture factory mainly produces KD steel and wood furniture, but its product quality check is at low level, mainly using low price to attract customers, the price is very competitive among the peers in the region. The low price attracted one of our Brazilian customers, who placed an order for 10 containers in one fell swoop due to the low price, and asked them to ship out all goods in 5 lots within three months.We make quality inspection

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