Quality Check Of Chair

Quality Check Of Chair,Keep Stable

Story background: This is a furniture factory. Comparing with its peers, it has a small area and only two production lines. The inspector’s first impression of the factory is not very good. The ground is not neat and the warehouse is not stacked according to each customer, which is difficult for the inspector to count

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Type Of Mask

Type Of Mask And How To Choose

At present, there are many types of masks on the market, mainly divided into medical masks (medical protective masks, medical surgical masks, ordinary medical masks), cotton masks, gauze masks, sponge masks, dust masks, activated carbon masks, paper masks, etc.

When COVID-19 erupted, masks were out of stock again. Do you really understand the masks? What types of masks are there? What are the differences between them?

Type of mask

Type Of Mask 1 :Medical Masks

Medical mask is a kind of textile for medical protection, which

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China Branch Offices

Managing China Branch Offices Is a Challenge For Multinational Companies

For large international importers, many branches or offices are usually set up in major purchasing areas in China to meet the challenges of transnational supply chain, facilitate the supply chain management of suppliers or factories in china to improve their level. However, due to various controllable and uncontrollable reasons, such as long distance, inefficient communication between the head office and local branches, huge cultural differences, and huge differences in employees’ understanding of work and transnational operations, The difficulty in managing

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China Mask Export

China Mask Export,Need To Know These

In May 2020, for China mask export, the Chinese Customs has upgraded and strictly checked the regulations for civil masks and medical masks. The product packaging should pay attention to below eight points!

China Mask Export Enterprise Requirements

(1) We all know,for China mask export, FDA cannot be printed on “all packages and products” of non-medical (civilian), but from April 28 onwards, CE cannot even be allowed except the product is from the “civilian” enterprises that in the “Chamber of Commerce White List” announced
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Application of Meltblown Fabric

Do You Know the Application of Meltblown Fabric?

Meltblown fabric technology has developed rapidly, especially in recent years. With the rapid development of industry and the strengthening of environmental protection, application of meltblown fabric has become more and more extensive. The characteristics of ultra-fine fibers have been found and widely used in many industrial and civil fields. Because the fibers produced by melt-blown technology are very fine, and melt-blown fabrics have large surface gaps and small voids, its application characteristics such as filterability, shielding, thermal insulation and oil absorption are

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