Filtering Efficiency Of N95 Mask

Filtering Efficiency Of N95 Mask,The Most Important Parameters

N95 Mask: 95% Powerful Filtering Efficiency

The N95 mask can filter most influenza viruses, dust, pollen, smog and smoke from automobile exhaust, because the filtering efficiency of N95 mask must reach at least 95%. N represents not resistant to oil,i.e. not oil-proof, and 95 represents the filtration efficiency level when 0.3 micron

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Baigou Bags Inspection Company

Baigou Bags Inspection Company,Helpful For You

The bags industry is a fast-moving consumer industry full of vitality, and the market development prospects are optimistic. In China, known as “China’s bags capital” is Baigou Town, Baoding City, Hebei Province, and its bags industry is one of the top ten regional specialty industries in Hebei Province. According to statistics, Baigou bags have a total of 40 categories of goods, more than 1200 brands, more than 500,000 varieties of colors, the domestic market share reached 36%, the market annual transaction amounted to 7.5

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Guangdong Electronic Scale Inspection

Guangdong Electronic Scale Inspection,CQI's Experience Sharing

China’s electronic scale industry is a new modern industry that has been developed for a long period from the traditional industry. From manual weighing to combined electronic scales, and after continuous reform, with technical support,finally gradually improved to today’s all-electronic and digital intelligence. At present, the outstanding functions of intelligent electronic scale products are touch screen operation, automatic weighing, automatic weighing data recording, weighing data export, upper and lower limit alarms, optional external printer, statistical daily sales report, etc.

Although the domestic electronic scales

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Knitwear Inspection

Knitwear Inspection,The Defects Consumer 0 Tolerance

The knitwear has a wide range of styles and has a good warm-keeping function. It is the best choice for most consumers when the temperature is cold. When international importers import garments in China, the requirements for fabrics& design, processing technology and knitwear inspection  standards are often more stringent because of the characteristics of knitwear  because of the characteristics of knitwear .

The basic process of knitwear is roughly as follows:

Ordering the wool – weaving – checking fabric – sewing – hand stitching

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Plastic Clip Quality Check

Plastic clip quality check,Did you buy the Plastic clip solid?

Clips are small tools that people often use in their daily lives. They are various in shape and types, which are widely used. Most of them are designed with the principle of lever and springs. Today we mainly talk about clothes clips. If they are classified according to materials, there are plastic, bamboo and metal. Their composition is very simple. They are composed of a metal spring and two clips.

Disassembly drawing of plastic clip

Before Plastic clip quality check ,the Production process


  1. Injection molding
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