Meltblown Fabric Industry In China

The Government Remedies Meltblown Fabric Industry Chaos in China

On the evening of April 29, according to the documents issued by the China General Administration of Market Supervision, the Chinese government will focus on the supervision of masks and other materials, and will carry out special rectification of meltblown fabric industry in China.

Meltblown cloth is the core raw material

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Meltblown Fabric Machine

Overview of Meltblown Fabric Machine and Analysis on Process

Meltblown fabric is the key material for filtering in the mask and is the heart of the mask. In addition to blocking large dust particles, it can also absorb fine dust, bacteria and virus droplets through electrostatic charges on the surface. With many voids, fluffy structure and good crease-resistant,these superfine fibers with unique capillary structure increase the number and surface area of fibers per unit area, thus making meltblown fabric have good filterability, shielding, thermal insulation and oil absorption. Therefore, a

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China Inferior Mask

Production Chain of Meltblown Cloth Behind China Inferior Mask

As the epidemic continues, the problem of China inferior mask has begun to emerge. If allowed to develop, inferior masks will bring disaster to the country and the people. Not only does it bring great potential safety hazards to the public’s self-protection, it will also disrupt the entire industrial chain of mask supply and smash the brand of “Made in China”.

To this end, the Chinese government department took decisive steps. In early April, Beijing seized 120,000 inferior masks. On April

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Mask Manufacturers in China

For Mask Manufacturers in China, the Opportunity May be a Crisis

Masks, an object that won’t be cared about by everyone at ordinary times and an unknown industry, have become a new choice for mass venture capital. There are numerous legends about making a fortune by making masks: a small mask factory that is going to close down is now earning tens of millions a month by virtue of orders. A “profiteer” who squatted in a mask factory earned millions depending on the supply of goods.

Huge benefits have driven

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China Mask Export

China Mask Export,Need To Know These

In May 2020, for China mask export, the Chinese Customs has upgraded and strictly checked the regulations for civil masks and medical masks. The product packaging should pay attention to below eight points!

China Mask Export Enterprise Requirements

(1) We all know,for China mask export, FDA cannot be printed on “all packages and products” of non-medical (civilian), but from April 28 onwards, CE cannot even be allowed except the product is from the “civilian” enterprises that in the “Chamber of Commerce White List” announced
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