Electric Toothbrush Inspection

Electric Toothbrush Test, Need To Pay Attention To These

As people’s awareness of oral health care continues to increase, a new type of toothbrush, the electric toothbrush, has quietly entered people’s daily lives. Compared with traditional toothbrushes, electric toothbrushes do have many advantages. Its reasonable exercise program can correct some people’s incorrect brushing methods, and some use high-tech designed functions

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Backpack Defect Check

Backpack Defect Check,These Defects Are Off-Limits To Consumers

The bags we carry on our backs when we go out are collectively called backpacks.  Backpacks are made of a variety of materials,such as leather,plastic, polyester,canvas,nylon,cotton and hemp.Backpacks made of these materials are very popular with consumers.At the same time,in the period of more and more showing personality,various styles such as simplicity,retro,cartoon,etc. also cater to the needs of fashion people to publicize personality from different aspects.Not only in appearance and style,the practicality of backpacks should also withstand the test of consumers.Because consumers

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Pajamas Process Inspection

Pajamas Process Inspection, Reduce The Risk Of Importers

Pajamas have a long history of development, and early days were symbols of Western lifestyles and were used as a household garment. Nowadays, pajamas culture is becoming more and more popular, and the demand for pajamas of different fabrics is growing. At the same time, it is divided into summer fabrics and autumn&winter fabrics according to the seasons. Summer fabrics include knitting and silk, while autumn and winter fabrics include woven, velvet and cotton. The fabric of the pajamas is more strict

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Packaging Quality Control

Product Packaging Control Is a Link that Can Not Be Ignored

Product packaging plays the role of marking information and protection in supply chain transportation, and also has a great influence in the process of product sales, so both sides of the trade require no less packaging quality control of the product than the product itself.

What Are the Points for Product Packaging Control?

The packaging quality control  of the product first checks the appearance information of the package.  Because the packaging appearance information of products often involves the laws

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Adhesion Cross Cut Test

Adhesion Cross Cut Test,Avoid Losing Color And Paint

Adhesion cross – cut test is a very common product inspection method in the inspection industry. In the conventional process, in order to protect the product matrix and the beauty of the product, a layer or even several layers of ink with protective or decorative properties are coated on the surface of the product to meet the quality requirements of people’s daily use functions.

adhesion cross - cut test
adhesion cross - cut test

Why The Adhesion Cross Cut Test Is Necessary

During the product testing phase, the factory usually carries out

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