SQC service makes Sample making as simple as 1, 2, 3.

Stock shoes quality inspection

Importers will magically discover the following facts.:

  • Sample development duration, halved;
  • Sample making follow-up workload is reduced by 90%;
  • Cross-border courier fees are reduced by 90%;
  • No jet lag, no language barrier;
  • There is an additional quality management office in China serve for you
  • Cross-border supply chain management has been directly upgraded to several levels.
Refer to below for details, then know why SQC service can really help you,:

Step 1, Importers ( CQI’s clients) contact the factory to reach a preliminary purchase intention.

Importers:   Importers contact the customer’s factory to reach a preliminary purchase intention, both sides then enter the sample development stage.

SQC Technicians:   /(CQI does not intervene)/

Factories:   Factories communicate with importers to determine cooperation intention.

Step 2, SQC (Sample Quality Check) of CQI began to intervene in sample development.

Importers:  Importers send the requirements of sample development to SQC technicians and inform the factory.   The SQC technicians of CQI will be responsible for the follow-up of sample development.

SQC Technicians:  

  • SQC technicians, who get the importers’ requirements,  
  • and sort them into technical documents with quality know-how.
  • SQC technicians contact the factory, inform them of the service process and the points for attention in for cooperation.

Factories:  Factories receive technical documents and make preliminary preparations.

Step 2-1     Early stage of SQC service (early stage of sample production)

Importers:   If Importers have updated requirements of sample development, send them to SQC technicians in time.

SQC Technicians:  

  • SQC technicians, sort out the updated requirements of sample development.
  • SQC technicians, keep closely contact with the factory in time through email, telephone and App
  • to supervise the factory’s sample production progress.
  • SQC technicians inform importers of the updated progress of sample making.

Factories:  Factories keep communication with SQC technicians, who will check whether the sample making is conform with the importer’s requirement.

Customer benefits:
  • SQC’s technicians take full advantage of  time-difference-free, mother tongue, professional quality background , and
  • efficiently follow up the sample making,  which can save the purchasing staff a lot of working time for importers, and
  • more focus on the more meaningful work.
  • SQC technicians have strong technical background in quality, which is conducive to promoting the progress of sample making.

Step 2-2   Mid-term of SQC service (sample preliminary production is completed and mailed to CQI office)

Importers:    /

SQC Technicians:  

  • SQC technicians, according to product quality and inspection industry requirements,
  • carry out sample quality checking (SQC) on samples to check whether the samples meet the importers’ requirements  for sample making (Compliance 1), and
  • whether the samples meet industry quality requirements (Compliance 2).
  • A professional and detailed SQC report and related videos will be sent to importers by SQC technicians by email.
  • Importers can get an in-depth understanding of whether the quality of the sample meets the requirements and
  • decide whether the sample needs to be further modified according to the SQC report and vidoes,
  • but without cross-border mailing the sample from the factory in china.

Factories:    /

Customer benefits:
  • SQC reports and videos are professional and detailed,
  • so that for importers, sample confirmation is no longer limited to the surface, which also
  • help importers to have a deeper understanding of the internal quality of samples, beside the external quality sense.
  • With CQI’s SQC service, importers just by read and study the SQC report and videos can decide whether samples.
  • As a result, importers don’t need to pay cross-border courier fees that is almost worthless.
  • More importantly, the sample confirmation time is greatly reduced.
  • Moreover,  SQC’s reports and videos are convenient for importers to communicate with end customers or interested parties
  • in a professional way to discuss whether the final samples meet the requirements.

Step 2-3  Later stage of SQC service (modification of samples)

Importers:   Importers read SQC report and video to determine whether the sample needs further modification.

SQC Technicians:  

  • SQC technicians, add importer’s requirement for sample modification and update requirements,
  • communicate with the factory efficiently through email phone and SNS,
  • supervise them to implement the importers’ sample modification opinions.
  • SQC technicians inform the importers of the sample modification progress in the factory by email.

Factories:   Factories keep communication with SQC technicians, feedback the details and the progress of sample modification.

Step 3,  Final confirmation of samples

Importers:   Importers inform SQC team which samples need to be cross-border mailed to the importers office.

SQC Technicians:   

  • SQC technicians, arrange to package and cross-border mail the samples specified by importers,
  • and provide express delivery number to facilitate customers to know logistics information.

Factories:     /