Power Adapter Inspection Standards

Power Adapter Inspection Standards, Summary by a Chinese Factory Technician

The role of the power adapter is to convert the high voltage at home into a stable low voltage of about 5 volts to 20 volts for these electronic products to work properly, generally by the shell, transformer, inductor, capacitor, control IC, PCB board and other components, its working principle is converted from AC input to DC output; according to the connection method can be divided into wall adapter and desktop adapter.For more information on the production process of power … Read the rest

Fan Evaluation

Fan Evaluation,New Product Sharing

Both air conditioners and fans are essential appliances in the summer.Perhaps fans are the more popular appliance in real life. There are many different types of fans, from the most traditional floor fans to the leafless fans introduced by some brands.It comes in both traditional and trendy and technological forms.Next we would like to introduce you to a new fan and share the results of this Fan evaluation. This product has a bold and innovative design in terms of shape and the whole product is … Read the rest

Fast Charging Protocol

Different Fast Charging Protocol

The level of smartphone battery life has made great progress in recent years, but long hours of heavy entertainment applications for smartphones will still significantly reduce their use time.So in this case, the phone’s fast-charging function is very necessary.

In recent years, major cell phone manufacturers have launched their own fast charging technology, but many of these fast charging technologies are used by the manufacturers of private fast charging protocols, which has resulted in many charging heads and data lines with the phone’s fast charging … Read the rest