Apparel Supply Chain

Apparel supply chain collaboration process and functional analysis

In the background of the trend of comprehensive and deep penetration of information technology in various industries, the business systems of traditional industries are facing various efficiency challenges, and the supply chain collaboration system of the apparel industry is born with this trend. This article analyzes and summarizes the process and functions of apparel supply chain collaboration, and recommends friends who want to understand the process of apparel supply chain collaboration to read it.

The main functional modules of the apparel supply Read the rest

Global Supply Chain Crisis

The Worst Of The Global Supply Chain Crisis Being Behind Us

The data suggests that the global supply chain distress is easing, or at least has stopped deteriorating.

Average ocean freight rates for 40-foot containers worldwide have fallen for eight consecutive weeks, according to data released Thursday by US maritime consulting and research firm Drewry. Spot rates on the busy Shanghai-Los Angeles route have rebounded but are also down about 19 % from their September peak.

Global supply chain crisis

According to the Southern California Maritime Exchange, 71 container ships were anchored offshore on … Read the rest

Brand Supply Chain

How To Build a Brand Supply Chain

Let’s start with our definition of a brand: a brand is the sum of all aspects of a company’s relationships and the result of operational word-of-mouth. In this definition, brand is a comprehensive result. It is not only some means, routines, tools and games of the brand marketing and communication process, but also not only the brand value proposition, cultural precipitation and initial vision, which are only part of the “brand”. After all, if there is no solid “product” without a bright “brand”, … Read the rest

Supply Chain Services

How To Understand Supply Chain Services

Supply Chain Service is a service business model that can be used to help companies achieve a higher level of customer service at a lower operating cost, ultimately increasing their profitability.

Supply Chain Service, because of the high level of after-sales service can significantly improve customer satisfaction, thus retaining customers, generating more business, obtaining highly profitable service contracts, and increasing the profitability of the company. The service supply chain is growing rapidly and has become a powerful tool for many companies to gain and … Read the rest

US Supply Chain Problems

Are The US Supply Chain Problems Influenced by China?

The US supply chain problems seen in the U.S. economy are improving for some companies, but a long-term solution may take more time, according to the Wall Street Journal, the heads of Intel, Wayfair and other companies.

Niraj Shah, CEO and co-founder of online retailer Wayfair, said, “The problems were at their worst last summer, but are slowly recovering.”

Intel has been at the center of a global storm of semiconductor shortages, and the company’s CEO Patrick Gelsinger expects supply chain … Read the rest