COVID-19 Outbreak

Covid-19 Outbreak, Unprecedented Supply Chain Crisis!

“Winter ”has arrived, the words could not be more appropriate to describe Christmas 2021 in Europe and the United States as COVID-19 outbreak causes supply chain crisis to spread. WHO recently warned Europe that although vaccines are more plentiful than last year, Europe has become the only region in the world where confirmed cases of COVID-19 are still surging at the moment.

According to WHO, vaccination rates are low in Eastern Europe, with Russia, Ukraine and Romania being the three countries with the most serious outbreaks; … Read the rest

Supply Chain Layout

What Will Happen To The Supply Chain Layout Under The Epidemic

The epidemic is a human disaster, but it is also an opportunity to transform and upgrade the global industry chain. Some industry insiders believe that if the experience of the outbreak can serve as a wake-up call for companies, it also has the potential to advance the establishment of a more flexible, reliable and shock-resistant supply chain layout globally.

“COVID-19 is currently having no impact on the global food supply chain, but the situation could soon get worse if … Read the rest

Global Supply Chain Crisis

How To Deal With The Global Supply Chain Crisis

With ports clogged, commodity supply slowed and shipping prices soaring, the global supply chain crisis has surfaced in a number of areas, with many pointing the finger of blame at the shipping industry. Patrick Berglund, CEO of maritime price comparison platform Xeneta, believes that COVID-19 has indeed triggered a container crisis, and that the reasons behind it are strong booking activity and limited supply.

But he also points to a deeper reason: when the outbreak occurred, the shipping industry did not … Read the rest

Supply Chain Interruption

Supply Chain Disruption In The United States, What To Do!

The global economy is mired in the “supply chain disruption” quagmire, economic recovery is struggling. The supply chain of the United States disruption is helpless.

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) in the latest issue of the World Economic Outlook released on the 12th, the global economic growth is expected to be lowered to 5.9% in 2021, and the “culprit” is the global supply chain disruptions. Outbreaks in countries that are important links in the global supply chain have led to … Read the rest

Toy Manufacturing Center

Toy Manufacturing Center, India’s Self-Reliance Program

In the past few months, India seems to be intent on diverting attention from the epidemic as the situation gets worse, and on several occasions has been promoting the “self-reliance” movement, saying it will help make the 21st century the “Indian century.” Self-reliance” is to help India increase its manufacturing capacity to better meet the needs of the country and the world. India’s ambitious plans are not just words. A few days ago in the toy industry, India formulated a policy conducive to development, … Read the rest