Indian Toy Industry

Indian Toy Industry Plans To Reach ‘World Toy Hub’ Target

As we all know, over the years China has been playing the role of the “world’s factory”, because the various industrial chains are very well developed, the labour force is strong, so the level of manufacturing is well developed, the production of all kinds of goods are exported to foreign countries all year round, but also for many foreign countries to provide industrial manufacturing parts and technical support and so on .

India’s Multiple Initiatives To Develop The Toy Industry

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China Toy Companies

China Toy Companies Expands, Guangdong Toy Exports be the First

In recent years, the vast consumer market for toys has also attracted more toy companies to enter the Chinese market. Educational toys have become the next market segment for many toy companies to compete. In 2020, China’s educational toys reached 150 billion yuan, and 4 out of every 10 toys were educational toys.

Sky-eye data shows that China currently has more than 4.13 million business scope includes “toys”, and the status of active, surviving, moving in, moving out of … Read the rest