Umbrella inspection

Umbrella Inspection

Umbrella Inspection,Seize the Needs of Consumers

When the rainy season comes, the market demand for umbrellas begins to increase gradually. The prices of umbrellas on the market are different and the quality is uneven. Many consumers buy a nice umbrella for the sake of appearance. As a result, the whole umbrella cloth turns over when there is a strong wind. Most of the umbrellas will break because of weak umbrella stand.

Therefore, when importers or consumers make a choice, they should not only consider the appearance, but also the use experience and service life, as it is regarded as a product with a high frequency of daily use. After all, practicality is the key point. So how do you know the use experience of the product? It’s time for the umbrella inspection to come to help you.

Umbrella inspection

How to test a durable umbrella? CQI inspection needs to help importers analyze from the following aspects:

1.Appearance inspection

According to the cloth classification of umbrellas, if the umbrella is a common cloth umbrella, the umbrella surface must be smooth and tight, free from dirt, holes and yarn jumping, so as to prevent water leakage. In the case of nylon cloth, there must be a layer of waterproof resin glue on the umbrella cover and no obvious defects or glue leakage are allowed. In addition, the stitches on the umbrella cover should be uniform, the color and luster are consistent, and the patterns of flowers and stripes are similar to each other. When the umbrella cover is opened, the shape of the umbrella should be full and beautiful and conform to the design.

Of course, some umbrellas do not have a good waterproof effect. When standing under the umbrella, water mist can be clearly felt when the rain is heavier. Because if the adhesion between fabrics is not tight, it will be easy to transmit light or leak rain, so in the umbrella inspection,the length of test time and the time point when water mist appears are the keys to check the tightness of umbrellas.

Umbrella inspection

2.Switching performance

In order to meet the needs of modern people, many umbrellas on the market have been made to open automatically. For an automatic umbrella, the button can be actuated by itself. When opening and closing umbrellas, the speed should not be too fast and there should be no noise. For the commonly used folding umbrella, it should also be flexible to open the umbrella, the frame can be freely opened and locked, and the switch parts will not fail or fall off.Repeatedly switch for dozens of times to check whether there is any difference between the frame and the umbrella cover, which is an important test in umbrella inspection.

Umbrella inspection

3.Umbrella stand
The three folding umbrella, the five folding umbrella and the straight handle umbrella are distinguished according to the skeleton folding mode. The most common three folding umbrella is used with various performances, such as service life, length and quality,they are more suitable in our daily life. Later, there is an upgraded version,which is the smaller umbrella with five folds.Its disadvantage is too short to withstand too much wind and rain.But for good quality golf umbrella and straight handle umbrella,importers should know that although they can cover all aspects, they are too heavy to carry and use in daily life.

Umbrella inspection
Umbrella inspection

In an umbrella, the frame takes up the largest proportion of the cost, so whether the quality is good or not depending on it. In the umbrella inspection, the frame should not rust easily and be elastic. After the frame is folded, it should be tightly attached to the umbrella pole,the rivet joint should be flexible and moderate,strong and firm.The product has no breaking marks after it falls.

Umbrella inspection

Through the umbrella inspection, importers can know the quality grade of the products in all directions. When purchasing, they should strengthen their understanding of the fabric of the products. Since fabric also accounts for a large part of the cost of umbrellas and the quality of fabric directly affects the sales of the products, it is crucial to select suppliers that meet the requirements. Looking for suppliers through Canton Fair or introduced by friends,with the help of CQI inspection Quick Factory Audit , we start to proofing, arrange umbrella inspection at the end of production to seize the first time of umbrella sales.

CQI5 is committed to providing importers worldwide with product quality inspection services that far exceed those of our peers. If you are planning to import or have imported from China or Southeast Asian countries, please contact us cs’@’ to learn more about how we can make your imports safer.

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