E-commerce product instruction video analysis based on psychological and product quality perspectives

Title: E-commerce product instruction video analysis based on psychological and product quality perspectives

Abstract: With the popularization of online shopping, consumers often face difficulties in using products after receiving them, even if they come with detailed instruction manuals. This article will analyze the types of e-commerce product instruction videos and their significance for consumers and e-commerce operators from psychological and product quality perspectives.

Keywords: E-commerce, product instructions, psychology, product quality, video



With the development of the internet and the rise of e-commerce platforms, online shopping has become the choice of an increasing number of people. However, after receiving the products, many consumers encounter difficulties in using them. Although there are detailed instructions in the manuals, many people are unwilling to spend time reading them due to limited patience. Therefore, the emergence of product instruction videos has greatly reduced the difficulty of using products for consumers. This article will analyze the importance of e-commerce product instruction videos from psychological and product quality perspectives and analyze the types of videos.


Product Instruction Video Type Analysis

Major Categories

Based on product types and purposes, product instruction videos can be divided into the following major categories:

(1) Installation and Operation: For products that require assembly, installation, or have specific operation steps, such as furniture, appliances, and electronic products.

(2) Function and Feature: Mainly introduces the product’s functions, features, and usage scenarios, suitable for technology products and software applications.

(3) Maintenance and Care: For products that require regular maintenance, cleaning, or repair, such as automobiles and high-end watches.

(4) Troubleshooting: Helps users solve problems they may encounter during product usage, such as device failure to start or malfunctioning features.


Subcategory Content Analysis

Based on the major categories, various types of product instruction videos can be further subdivided:

(1) Installation and Operation:

a. Component Identification: Helps users familiarize themselves with product components and their names.

b. Assembly Steps: Introduces the assembly process and sequence in detail.

c. Operation Demonstration: Demonstrates the correct operation methods and precautions.

(2) Function and Feature:

a. Function Introduction: Explains the product’s main functions and how to use them.

b. Feature Demonstration: Demonstrates the product’s features and advantages.

c. Usage Scenarios: Simulates actual application scenarios for consumers to better understand.

(3) Maintenance and Care:

a. Cleaning Methods: Guides users on how to properly clean the product.

b. Maintenance Steps: Provides maintenance suggestions and cycles.

c. Repair Techniques: Teaches users basic repair operations.

(4) Troubleshooting:

a. Common Problems: Lists common problems and their solutions.

b. Fault Diagnosis: Teaches users how to identify the cause of the fault.

c. Problem Resolution: Provides targeted solutions.


The Significance of Comprehensive Product Instruction Videos for Consumers

From a psychological perspective, the human brain processes visual information faster than textual information. Therefore, compared to reading instruction manuals, watching instruction videos allows consumers to understand product information more quickly. In addition, videos can convey information through images, sounds, and actions, helping consumers better understand product usage methods.

From a product quality perspective, comprehensive instruction videos can ensure that consumers use products correctly, reducing damage caused by improper operation and improving product lifespan. At the same time, when consumers master the correct usage methods, they are more likely to experience the product’s advantages, thus improving product satisfaction.

The Importance of Comprehensive Product Instruction Videos for E-commerce Operators
For e-commerce operators, comprehensive product instruction videos have the following significant aspects:

(1) Improving user satisfaction: Consumers can better understand and use products through instruction videos, thus improving user satisfaction.

(2) Reducing return rates: Correct product usage can prevent malfunction

(3) Enhancing brand image: A comprehensive product usage instruction video demonstrates a company’s attention to its products and user experience, helping to establish a positive brand image.

(4) Strengthening competitiveness: Providing high-quality usage instruction videos is a competitive advantage that sets a company apart from its rivals, helping to attract more consumers.



This article analyzes the importance of e-commerce product usage instruction videos from the perspectives of psychology and product quality, and classifies various types of videos in detail. The results show that comprehensive product usage instruction videos are of great significance to both consumers and e-commerce operators. To improve user satisfaction, reduce return rates, enhance brand image, and strengthen competitiveness, e-commerce operators should devote more effort to producing high-quality product usage instruction videos.



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The above are some references related to e-commerce, product usage instructions, and consumer psychology. Please note that these references are all written in Chinese and cover research in product design, consumer psychology, and e-commerce fields.


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