Disposable Plastic Tableware Quality Inspection

Sharing The Disposable Plastic Tableware Quality Inspection

Disposable tableware has changed from the early foam lunch boxes to environmentally friendly tableware. The original foam lunch boxes was eliminated because it was not resistant to high temperature and the production process caused damage to the environment. Instead, plastic tableware, paper tableware, wooden tableware, degradable tableware and so on were used. Among them, plastic has the characteristics of low toxicity, high melting point, strong plasticity, simple production and low relative cost, so it has become the mainstream material for making disposable snack … Read the rest

Disposable Tableware Bad Reviews

Disposable tableware is mainly made of paper, pulp, polyethylene terephthalate, polyethylene, biodegradable CPLA, PLA and talcum powder, etc., including disposable plates, disposable bowls, disposable cups and disposable silverware.

Disposable Tableware Bad Reviews-Industrial Distribution

The main applications of disposable tableware are domestic and commercial use. Commercial use dominates the terminal market, accounting for 79.6% of the market share.

In the next few years, the Asia-Pacific region will occupy more market share, especially in China and the fast-growing Indian and Southeast Asian regions.

Disposable tableware industry is widely distributed in China, but … Read the rest

Wood Carving Industry

Dongyang Wood Carving Industry Chain Is The First In The Industry.

Recently, Dongyang Timber Trade Center was settled in Dongyang Economic Development Zone, the center as the second batch of Zhejiang Province to create an important functional block of the characteristic town — wood carving town, wood imports, processing, storage, trading and other functions in one. After completion, the annual timber imports are expected to reach more than 1.58 billion U.S. dollars, becoming an important new economic growth point for the future of the wood Carving Industry Economic Development Zone. … Read the rest

China Ninghai Stationery

China Ninghai Stationery, A Big Change Under The New Policy!

As one of the main activities of the 2019 China Ninghai Stationery Industry Expo, “China Stationery Cross-Border Trade Facilitation and Security” theme forum was held on November 15 at Ninghai International Convention and Exhibition Center.

This forum is jointly sponsored by Ningbo Customs, Ningbo Ninghai County People’s Government, jointly organized by Ninghai Customs, Ninghai County Bureau of Market Supervision, closely around the national strategy to expand and open up, focusing on the convenience and safety of cross-border trade in stationery, … Read the rest

CQI board inspection report excerpt

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