Charging methods affect the life of electric car

Charging Methods

What The Wrong Charging Method Will Do To The Electric Car

Electric car is not considered a mainstream transportation in the world at present, but in China, electric car is definitely the “bearer” of transportation, whether for two-wheeled transportation, or four-wheeled transportation, electric car is the absolute “leader”, because people favor the use of electric car, China naturally occupies the first position in the production, sales and quantity of electric vehicles.

Electric car is a “new energy” transportation, in fact, from its invention, it is indeed not “new”, the origin of electric car is earlier than the car, but has been limited by the battery technology and charging problems troubled, electric car has not been well popularized, but in the last century 90s, because China considered banning the disorderly development of motorcycles, electric car got a good opportunity for rapid development.

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And with the development of electric vehicle industry, China’s electric vehicle consumer market has reached trillions, but electric vehicles are still “soft”, that is, the battery problem, the battery is not only charging trouble, poor battery life, not durable, plagued many owners, and the battery is a relatively easy to “hurt” parts, its “hurt” directly affect the use of electric vehicles.

What is the impact of Wrong Charging Method on electric vehicles?

First of all, we should be clear that the battery is a device used to “store electricity”, and its storage is not directly “loaded” with electricity, but through the cooperation of the lead plate and electrolyte, the “electrical energy” from the charger is converted into “chemical energy” and stored in the lead plate. “When the electric car is riding, the “chemical energy” will be converted into “electric energy” through the controller to provide the electric car motor. Provide the motor to use, to achieve the purpose of electric car driving.

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Once the battery is “injured”, its stored “electric energy” will be affected, including “lead plate crystallization, sulfide”, “electrolyte evaporation “, used to convert energy to reduce the active material, and these will bring “storage capacity” decline, which is reflected in the range of electric car that not good, such as electric car normal driving 50 km, After the battery “injury”,  can only ride 20 km-30 km, which makes the high range of the electric car, practicality has a great impact.

The root cause of the “injury” is the battery overheating.The main reason is charging. Some unregulated charging methods are the main reason why the battery life is reduced and shortened. Recently, some people asked in a private letter, “charging every day” and “charging after use”, in the end which is more hurtful to the electric car? Today, take you to find out.

Will “charging every day” (Wrong Charging Method)make the battery “hurt”?

This is a habit that many electric car owners have, especially for small capacity batteries, “daily charging” is an important way to ensure that the electric car driving distance, then, so charging will make the battery “hurt”? The answer is “will be injured”.

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As for the reason that “charging every day” will make the battery “injured”, many people on the Internet said that it will make the battery “charge and discharge times” reduce, for such a reason, in fact, the impact is not very big.”Charge and discharge times” refers to the depth of charge and discharge, not charging once will lose a chance, but to complete a full set of “charge and discharge” will waste times, generally charging and use 2 to 3 times a cycle. The battery of an electric car has at least 300 times of charge and discharge, and the lithium battery has 1,000 times of charge and discharge. From this logic point of view, “charging every day” has little influence on the waste of charging and discharging times.

So, why is the answer “will hurt”? That’s because every time you charge, the remaining amount of electricity is more or less, and if you continue to charge for a long time in this way, it will lead to a backlog of voltage inside the battery, which will lead to crystallization of the battery lead plate, and once the battery is crystallized, it will basically be “scrapped”, which will directly shorten the useful life of the battery.

From the above, we can see that “daily charging” is not a wise way , it causes the battery “crystallization” is very difficult to repair, in most cases, we should avoid this charging method, unless the electric car power every day is just fine, have no choice but to choose this way.

Will the battery be “injured” by “re-charging after use”?
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Compared to “charging every day”, there are some people who prefer “charging after use”, which reduces the trouble of frequent charging, but such charging has 2 drawbacks:  

  • It may make the electric car encounter the embarrassment of running out of power halfway,
  • Such charging, in fact, also “will hurt” the battery.

If a person overdraws his or her energy every day, sooner or later, he or she will not be able to cope with the sickness, “use up and then charge” hurts the battery on such logic, when the electric car power is completely used up, in fact, is in the overdraft battery, and long-term continuous battery overdraft, which is what the industry said the battery “over discharge”, will bring the biggest threat to the battery – lead plate sulfide, and sulfide can not be repaired by technical means, it is irreversible damage.

“Charge every day” and “recharge after use”, which is more harmful to the electric car?
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If we have to choose between “charging every day” and “re-charging after use”, we should at least avoid the charging method that hurts the battery more.

“Charge every day” and “use up and then charge” compared to the most harmful battery than “charge every day”, although “use up and then charge” seems to cause irreversible “sulfur damage”, but, most of the population said “use up and then charge”, and did not reach the battery “overdraft state”, even if the electric car ACS button, many owners do not need to open, so not to “0 power” situation, will not cause battery “sulfur”, relatively speaking, and not so harmful car.

What are the ways to deal with battery “injury”?

Many people will be distressed by the battery “injury”, and even some owners go directly to replace the brand new battery, in fact, just some simple “injury”, or can be achieved through some ways to “cure”, the common way to deal with 2 kinds.

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  • The first is the crystallization repair method

Battery crystallization is the most likely symptom after “injury”, and it is repaired by professional repair instruments, through the battery charging and discharging process, through the instrument positive and negative frequency particle waves continuously emitted, about 15 hours, the battery crystallization of hard lead sulfate can be removed, the battery is troubled by the crystallization of the range to be “cured”.

  • The second type is the lead plate softening repair method

If the lead plate starts to soften gradually, it will definitely affect the storage and conversion of the battery’s electric energy, and in this case, you can open the headlights of the electric car for 1 to 5 hours after discharging 10.5V. Use professional battery activation machine to repair.

  • The 3rd type is the repair of electrolyte evaporation

This should be the “culprit” of the end of life of ordinary lead-acid batteries, so lead-acid batteries should be replenished with “electrolyte” once a year or so, so that the battery performance can be repaired after the electrolyte evaporation, the repair method is also relatively simple, you can buy distilled water or battery repair solution, injected into the battery tank, let it sit for about 5 hours to charge it, as long as the battery does not “lose water”, you can make the battery 2 years more.

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Of course, both “daily charging” and “recharge after use”, as long as it is not continuous, in fact, we do not have to worry too much, and does not play a fast “damage”, basically can Guarantee the battery with about 3 years, and when the battery has some “small problems”, can be repaired to “cure”, but if the battery has been a serious decline in range, crystallization, sulfur, bulging situation, this time the change or to change .Do not hesitate as charging methods affect the life of electric car.


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