China factory

China Factory

In China, The Difference Between Guangdong Factory And Zhejiang Factory 

In China we often hear as long as someone discusses the China factory or the boss,they will take two regions of Guangdong and Zhejiang for comparison.Our company has been engaged in foreign trade for a long time,responsible for the inspection of export products, today we will briefly talk about the characteristics and differences between them.

China Factory-Product Quality:

In general, the same product quality in Guangdong is better than in Jiangsu and Zhejiang, while the quality of the factory in Xiaoshan, Hangzhou, Zhejiang is better than in Yiwu and Wenzhou,Zhejiang.

China Factory-Enterprise Management:

In Guangdong,foreign-funded enterprises are more standardized, in Jiangsu and Zhejiang, more private enterprises, management is more loose and slightly inferior to Guangdong.

China Factory-Product Offer:

Previously,Jiangsu and Zhejiang areas are cheaper than Guangdong, now the difference is not much.

China Factory-Workers’ Wages:

Ordinary workers in the Yangtze River Delta is a little higher than the Pearl River Delta, Zhejiang is also a little higher than Guangdong.

In Guangdong,even after work, but if things are not done,workers and staffs will still assist you to complete the work. In Zhejiang,when it’s off-duty time,workers will get off work,only staff will accompany, sometimes even staff will be absent for a long time.

 Client Reception: Outwardly,Guangdong at least will be more enthusiastic about eating, drinking and playing.Generally,the boss will come out to say hello,drink tea and chat.In Jiangsu and Zhejiang,the boss rarely show up.Generally,staff will be responsible for business reception, most of the time ,the factory  just arrange a car to pick up and drop off.It is more common to entertain clients in the factory restaurant and most of the time they will not be responsible for the hotel accommodation of clients.

All in all, although both places belong to coastal cities, import and export trade is prosperous, but due to the difference in climate and customs, creating different humanities and character characteristics, corresponding to the management style and work style are also very different.The trade policy of different regions is also very different, only to see the current situation, understand the regional characteristics, then your can find a more suitable route for your own development.

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