Water Purifier Production Process

What Exactly Is The Production Process Of Water Purifiers?

Do you know what is the Water Purifier Production Process?At present, most tap water meets the relevant drinking water standards when it leaves the factory. However, in the process of transportation, it may be “secondary polluted” because of the aging of pipelines, untimely cleaning of water tanks in residential areas and other reasons. Therefore, the impurities contained in tap water discharged from water valves at home usually exceed everyone’s imagination. Therefore, in order to better protect the safety and health of … Read the rest

Wood Carving Industry

Dongyang Wood Carving Industry Chain Is The First In The Industry.

Recently, Dongyang Timber Trade Center was settled in Dongyang Economic Development Zone, the center as the second batch of Zhejiang Province to create an important functional block of the characteristic town — wood carving town, wood imports, processing, storage, trading and other functions in one. After completion, the annual timber imports are expected to reach more than 1.58 billion U.S. dollars, becoming an important new economic growth point for the future of the wood Carving Industry Economic Development Zone. … Read the rest

Zhejiang Textile Industry

The Development Of Zhejiang Textile Industry Is On The Way

Over the years, China Zhejiang leveraged the block economy, forming a unique “Made in Zhejiang” industrial advantages, more than 70 manufacturing clusters in China’s domestic market share of more than 30%.

Textile, is one of the traditional advantageous industrial chain in Zhejiang Province. It is closely related to life, string chemical fiber, weaving, printing and dyeing, chemical, textile machinery, clothing and other links, traction Shaoxing, Jiaxing, Ningbo, Hangzhou and a number of upstream and downstream enterprises, the formation of a … Read the rest

Non-stick pan inspection standard

Do You Know The Details Of The Non-Stick Pan Inspection Standard?


ements of CQI Inspection Company for Non-stick pan , this non-stick pan inspection standards requirement is specially written to standardize the company’s quality inspection service level for customers

Scope Of Application Of Non-Stick Pan Inspection Standard

This inspection technical document is used to standardize the pre-shipment inspection service

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Bathrobe Inspection Standards

What Is The Inspection Standard For Bathrobes Used Every Day?


In order to clarify the inspection specifications and requirements of CQI Inspection Company for Bathrobe products, this Bathrobe inspection standards requirement is specially written to standardize the company’s quality inspection service level for customers.

 Scope of application:

This inspection technical document is used to standardize the pre-shipment inspection service of Bathrobe products.

Defect Definitionfor Bathrobe Inspection Standards:   

Serious defects (CRT): the user’s life is a major hazard or has the potential to harm and violate the relevant safety requirements … Read the rest